Friday, January 4, 2008

Everything have changed

Do you know Manchester United is the best?!
cause we got Tevez...hahaha

Macadamia vs Pistachio...

So fast 2 days of school had passed...
Today damn tired and...
wooo,under the hot sun...hahaha
Yesterday,Science tuition...Poh Kiat ah...i know what' u're thinkin...hahaha( joking =])
Every night my brother keeps disturbing me the whole midnight...
i can't get me beauty sleep till 1-2 midnight...
And i have to stop him from scolding bad word...or my dad will squish me.*gulp*
So i made a bet with him...per bad word 50 cents...hahaha
hope everyone is ready for war...the PMR soldiers are on their way...
Get your swords ready...hahahahaha
Bye everyone...
Yes,i can stay up late again...woo hoo!
And 7 evening music station...

Sorry,i'm sorry,i'm sorry

Never Changed before...muahahaha...

Bla bla bla...bye...sayonara...

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